Category: General

  • Forget Second Life…

    Get a First Life!

  • BarCamp London 2.0

    BarCamp London 2 is coming up

  • WebDD: February 3 2007

    WebDD is a web design and development conference to be held at the Microsoft Campus in Reading, UK this coming 3 February (a Saturday). There is, naturally, a certain emphasis on Microsoft technologies, but not exclusively. Actually, although there are several presentations involving MS technologies, I was wrong to think that Microsoft were somehow involved…

  • Not This One Again

    I thought this particular urban legend had died a death some years ago, but it surfaced again down the pub last night. So, as a Public Service Announcement, let me make it clear that: Bob Holness did not play saxophone on Gerry Rafferty‘s song Baker Street.

  • BarCamp London, September 2 – 3 2006

    After a tense 24 hours or so, I got bumped up from the waiting list to become the bottom of the list of attendees at BarCamp London next month. I’m not sure what I’ll be offering in the way of a presentation yet, but there’s a good chance it’ll have something to do with XSLT…

  • Quirks or Strict: a Quick Way to Tell

    A useful bit of JavaScript for web developers

  • Keith Cooper in Colorado

    Keith Cooper of Northlight Images is keeping an online photographic diary of his travels through Colorado.

  • Hello world

    In which a typical coder finally relents of his procrastination and uses third party software to get something done.